Towards a Zero Waste Campus

Towards a Zero Waste Campus – Júlia Pokol
Poster Presented in ARCC-EAAE 2022: Resilient City Architecture Conference, Florida International University, Miami, March 2-5, 2022

In 2021 we started a collaboration at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) to bridge over the gap between different faculties and to create a sustainable university campus, a good example for the urban community and other institutions in Budapest. As the doctoral student of the Faculty of Architecture I created a project plan for a plastic recycling workshop based on Precious Plastic Movement.

The project evolved in the framework of Budapest UP! sustainable design studio with a group of students from different faculties at BME. As a result we created a portfolio for the Zero Waste Campus and I continued working on this project as my doctoral research topic.

With the help and support of the Faculty of Architecture we joined forces with UFLab, HWD Recycling, Veroniq Engineering, ATC Budapest, PP Parafitt and Malom Project. The collaboration resulted in various design projects such as the covering of the Public Gardener House in 8th district, plastic concrete benches and public workshops to educate students and citizens about local recycling and cyclical waste management.

Consultants: prof. Dr. György Alföldi DLA and prof. Dr. Zsolt Vasáros DLA
Collaboraters: Malom ProjektHWD RecyclingPrecious Plastic Para Fitt / Marcsi Kriszt and Mátyás Csiszár Mátyás [MeetLab].
A research supported by Új Nemzeti Kiválósági Program.

Skills: 2022, conference, research