Salgótarján2070 – Studio Works – Urban Planning and Design 2

The focus of the Urban Planning and Design 2 course was the future visions of Salgótarján.

Based on online databases, maps and documents, we analyzed the city’s economy, built environment, natural endowments, social stratification and transport infrastructure, and then outlined various visions of the 2070 state of the city. At the Salgótarján2070 public participation event we made dialogues with the citizens to bring the scenarios closer to the wishes of the locals. Based on the multiplatform alayzes the students made suggestions for the development of the city center.

Urban Planning and Design 2 – 2019
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Olívia Kurucz
[students: Babos Péter, Berghauer Roland, Blaubacher Pál, Chromicsek Adrienn, Csörgő Balázs, Demeter Dóra, Gellár Jakab, Geönczeöl Anna, Gránásy Sára, Gyetvai Zsuzsanna, Katovszky Tamás, Kiss Krisztián, Ludányi Nóra, Nyeste Adél, Nyitrai Gellért, Purev-Ochir Ori-Ujin, Radics Laura, Rátgéber László, Regős Krisztina, Sándor Eszter, Skrek Ágnes Zsófia, Szabó Petra, Szunter Tibor, Varga Kristóf, Vida Stefánia, Vörös-Grigoriu Eszter, Winkler Márk]

Salgótarján2070 – Public participation – Urban Planning and Design 2

The aim of the public participation in Salgótarján – within the framework of Urban Planning and Design 2 – was to introduce this method to students, so their personal experiences with the citizens could be incorporated into their plans. In this case the event was mainly done on a “voluntary initiative” (not on behalf of the Municipality), but UFLab was also intended to draw the attention of the Municipality to the possibilities of public participation and to provide them development ideas. At the so called “Salgótarján2070” event we were interested in the opinions of the locals about the current problems of the city and their future development ideas. The applied tools of the public participation were developed by the student groups and the participants received temporary “Salgótarján2070” tattoos as gifts.

You can see the final future city plans of the students here.

Urban Planning and Design 2 – 2019
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Olívia Kurucz
[students: Babos Péter, Berghauer Roland, Blaubacher Pál, Chromicsek Adrienn, Csörgő Balázs, Demeter Dóra, Gellár Jakab, Geönczeöl Anna, Gránásy Sára, Gyetvai Zsuzsanna, Katovszky Tamás, Kiss Krisztián, Ludányi Nóra, Nyeste Adél, Nyitrai Gellért, Purev-Ochir Ori-Ujin, Radics Laura, Rátgéber László, Regős Krisztina, Sándor Eszter, Skrek Ágnes Zsófia, Szabó Petra, Szunter Tibor, Varga Kristóf, Vida Stefánia, Vörös-Grigoriu Eszter, Winkler Márk]

How does an architect play? – Public/Space Month 2019 – Exhibition in Budaörs

Gamification was the topic of the PUBLIC / SPACE MONTH 2019 program series in Budaörs – organized by Húsznegyven Association  –, where UFLab was one of the invited exhibition partners. At the “How does an architect play? / playHOUSE” exhibition we displayed two gamified tools of the UFLab Workshop, which we usually apply during public participation events or research projects.

The URBAN 3D DIAGRAM is a wood installation and it has helped to improve the dialogue between local residents, architects, NGOs and municipality officers in several times. By this gamified tool participants can vote on the current proposals by throwing a ball of the appropriate color, so the balls can show the current result – as a spatial graph – in real time. The proposals are always shown on the information boards, which hang on the side of the installations.

As a result of the joint research work of UFLab and UCL University in London, the CITY OPINION LINE gamified tool was born, in which participants were asked about public spaces. Players were able to tell their experiences of the designated Pesterzsébet action area in a spectacular way: by choosing from two different colors of yarn – that symbolized a positive or negative feeling – and connecting specific words with them.

You can read more about the PUBLIC / SPACE MONTH 2019 program series here.
More photos are available about the exhibition here.

The event was organized by Húsznegyven Egyesület in Budaörs, 04/2019.
Orgainzers: Botond Zsolt Dobos DLA, Judit Gerzsenyi, Olívia Kurucz
Grapics: Daniel Pucz

Complex Design Studio 1 – Worldcafé

How we are thinking together about the conditions and possibilities of Erzsébetfalva – worldcafé method within the framework of the Comlex Design Studio 1.

Complex Design Studio 1 – 2018
Worldcafé instructors: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Olívia Kurucz
[students: Csukás Fruzsina, Decsák Petra, Éliás Dorottya, Futó Lili, Gombos Attila, Göőz Alexandra, Kálmán Adrienn, Kopacz Noémi, Lajtos Levente, Murányi Zita, Nagy Dóra, Ondi Boglárka, Pokol Júlia, Sörényi Zsófia, Szabó Bálint, Tálosi Lilla, Tátrai Anna Flóra, Tóth Tünde, Ürmös Eszter, Viszló Enikő]

Kedves József Attila Lakótelepiek!

Az UFLab kutatóműhely építészmérnök hallgatói a Városépítészet 2. című tervezési tárgyuk keretében a Budapest, 9. kerületi József Attila lakóteleppel foglalkoznak. Az oktatás és tervezés során fontosnak tartjuk a párbeszédet a lakótelepen élőkkel, azonban a jelenleg kialakult helyzetben csak online tudjuk felvenni Önökkel a kapcsolatot.

Kérjük Önöket, hogy vegyenek részt ebben a munkában, gondolkozzunk együtt a Lakótelep jövőjéről és az alábbi kérdőívek kitöltésével, valamint játékos feladatok megoldásával segítsék a hallgatók munkáját!

A félévzárás közeledtével szeretnénk újból megkérdezni véleményüket, ezúttal a 2-3 fős csapatok terveivel kapcsolatban. Kérjük Önöket, hogy véleményezzék az alábbi ötleteket a képek alatt! Melyiknek a megvalósulását támogatnák? Melyikhez lenne még fejlesztési vagy módosítási javaslatuk?


Megnézem a Városépítészet 2 tárgy féléves terveit!

[A tankör oktatói: prof. Alföldi György DLA / Kurucz Olívia] [A tankör hallgatói: Azeb Mehdi / Bodó Sára Borbála / Borics Péter / Bugovits Janka / Fekete Adrienn Eszter / Gaál Renáta Dóra / Gunther Ágota Anikó / Hernádi Zsombor / Kálmán Mónika / Kiss Barnabás / Kovács Orsolya / Lu Tong Xintia / Márki Franciska / Moró Júlia / Nádasi Ádám / Nyiri Csongor / Oláh Liliána / Rostás Nikolett / Stadler Anna Dorottya / Szakács Domonkos / Szeitl Virág Nóra / Szemelveisz Nikolett / Szilágyi Eszter / Takács Laura Panna / Tóth Bence / Várady Jázmin / Velky Anna Luca / Zacher Márton]


[UFLab / város2 / JALTP / 2020]

Pesterzsébet – Visions

The Budapest Capital XX. District Municipality requested the Department of Urban Planning and Design in the hope of student ideas that the Municipality can later incorporate into its regional development concepts. The aim of the cooperation was to map the social, housing and public space problems of the district and to make development proposals in response to them.

UFLab dealt with the action area in Erzsébetfalva in two planning courses. A total of nearly eighty students and ten instructors at the Department examined three neighborhoods of Pesterzsébet for more than half a year. From the student plans, a comprehensive study has been prepared for the Municipality and residents, which is available entirely here.

Urban Planning and Design 2 – 2018
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Márton Garay
[students: Balog Ákos, Bene Bence, Farkas Barbara, Farkas Tamás, Fehér Csilla, Hegymegi Júlia, Kaknics Péter, Káldy Gergely, Kas Tünde, Kiss Réka, Kovács Regina, Lantos Viktor, Malkócs Krisztina, Máté Balázs, Módi Mariann, Puskás Levente, Siska Enikő, Surján Borbála, Szabó Simon, Szladek Kata, Szőke Gyöngyvér, Tábori Regina, Takács Mária Flóra, Varga Géza, Zacher Bendegúz]

Complex Design Studio 1 – 2018
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Tamás Vörös DLA, Tamás János Pintér
[students: Csukás Fruzsina, Decsák Petra, Éliás Dorottya, Futó Lili, Gombos Attila, Göőz Alexandra, Kálmán Adrienn, Kopacz Noémi, Lajtos Levente, Murányi Zita, Nagy Dóra, Ondi Boglárka, Pokol Júlia, Sörényi Zsófia, Szabó Bálint, Tálosi Lilla, Tátrai Anna Flóra, Tóth Tünde, Ürmös Eszter, Viszló Enikő]

Public Participation and UCL Research – see details on separate page
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Olívia Kurucz, Nikolett Puskás (UCL)

The university design course focused on two important capabilities of cities – resilience and equity.

Consultants: György Alföldi DLA & Peter Bach DLA
[students: Balázs Bálint, Bölöni Botond, Esztergályos Tünde, Fehér Orsolya, Gacsályi Kinga, Gallyas Luca, Hajdú Csongor, Kovács Petra, Marosi Péter, Magyari Ábel, Posta Ferenc, Szkiba Vera, Somogyvári Tünde, Varga Péter]

The Natural Future – Pesterzsébet – UCL research

Within the framework of the entire Pesterzsébet’s project, UFLab organized a public participation on-site event with the Complex Design Studio 1 students. Nikolett Puskás – who is a PhD student at the Institute for Global Prosperity at UCL University College London (UCL) – joined our team with her research, which focuses on various aspects of the using modes of Erzsébetfalva’s public spaces.

To facilitate the “public dialogue” we appeared at two locations simultaneously within the action area – in the Tatra Square market and on Kossuth Lajos Street, joining a local Outdoor Health and Sports Day event – and we applied gamified participatory planning tools in order to reach out to the local residents.

The opinions, suggestions and experiences gathered during the event were incorporated into the plans of the students and Nikolett also used them in her research.

Public Participation, gamification and UCL Research
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Olívia Kurucz, Nikolett Puskás (UCL)

Complex Design Studio 1 – 2018
Consultants: prof. György Alföldi DLA, Tamás Vörös DLA, Tamás János Pintér
[students: Csukás Fruzsina, Decsák Petra, Éliás Dorottya, Futó Lili, Gombos Attila, Göőz Alexandra, Kálmán Adrienn, Kopacz Noémi, Lajtos Levente, Murányi Zita, Nagy Dóra, Ondi Boglárka, Pokol Júlia, Sörényi Zsófia, Szabó Bálint, Tálosi Lilla, Tátrai Anna Flóra, Tóth Tünde, Ürmös Eszter, Viszló Enikő]


Resilient City – Public/Space Month 2018 – Roundtable Discussion in Budaörs

You can listen the whole roundtable discussion about Reziliens City here:

– Top-down and bottom-up approaches of public spaces and urban planning initiatives, developments, projects and interventions in Hungary and worldwide.
– Trends in urban design, gamification and communities.
– How have tools, strategies and models changed over the past decades? What can we expect in the future this area?
– What are the motivations that drive designers towards the community?

Roundtable discussion partners:
György Alföldi DLA – architect – UFlab/urb/BME
Botond Zsolt Dobos DLA – architect – Húsznegyven
Bálint Kádár PhD – architect – Kortárs Építészeti Központ
Gergő Kukucska – architect – Valyo, Város és Folyó
Anna Szilágyi-Nagy – landscapes architect – KultúrAktív

The event was organized by Húsznegyven Egyesület
Orgainzers: Botond Zsolt Dobos DLA, Judit Gerzsenyi, Olívia Kurucz
Photos: Olívia Kurucz
Grapics: Daniel Pucz

Complex Design Studio 1 – Food Bank and Incubator House by Júlia Pokol

My project was a part of a teamwork concentrating on the XX. district of Budapest named Pesterzsébet. During the workshop we figured out a 5 step revitalization method that could help this part of our city to become more vivid and friendly to its inhabitants and visitors. This complex would be the third step out of the five, after the realization of a plastic recycling factory and workshop which would produce the colorful material covering its facade. 

It is a house mixing a variety of functions: the ground floor is open to all visitors to use the community kitchen, where the remaining fruits, veggies ect. from the local market could be cooked for a free dinner to the ones in need. Also it is a place for young mothers to learn the ins and outs of housekeeping. The eating place towards the graden can be transformed into a saloon for occasional local events.

On the first floor resides a spatious coworking office facing Jókai Mór street, and a learning centre at the back, where language teaching and other classes of adult education could take place.

My goal was to create a both environmentally and humanly friendly place, which recycles space, food, waste and creates a great meeting point to its visitors. – Júlia Pokol

Consultant: prof. György Alföldi DLA